Friday 28 December 2012

100th post!!

Woah there, are we really at 100 blog posts already?! So, did you all have a nice Christmas? I certainly did. I got the most beautiful pair of leather gloves- you'll probably be seeing a lot of them in the future, I LOVE them!! Also, one MUST be careful not to spend hardly ANY of the money I got, due to the fact that I have an upcoming trip to New York City babbyyy at the end of March 2013 (oh yeahhh, I'm gonna take pictures!!) , and I really need to start saving up fast! It is hard though, I've been on the job hunt for nearly a year now... it just seems that no-one's interested in giving me a job, and me being only 15 probably isn't helping!

Well, how can I make my 100th post more fun and memorable? Oooooh, how about some Purdy pictures......

Oh yeah, totally irrelevant pictures that I found via the internet! Well, I HAD to include the super adorable pic of the Beatles, you know, because I literally screamed and nearly fainted when I saw it! And the other photograph, I am just in love with this woman's cape coat, and her lovely hat!!

Friday Playlist...

Here is yet another 'Friday Playlist' that will kick your weekend into a funky start!                     



Thursday 27 December 2012

Hair of the Moment: Jane Asher's do

Okay Jane Asher, give me your hair!!

OMG just look at those shoes/rug/room/hair!!
Oh my goodness how cute is Peter Asher (her brother)!!??

21st Century style idol: Alexa Chung

Alexa Chung has really earned the title of being a 'fashion icon', or 'idol', whatever you wanna call it! She's super cool, not just because she loves the 60s, she also has great hair, but look at her little boots in this picture below....

Well jel of her shoes/dress here!
OMG I remember this cute sweater form the Louis Vuitton S/S 2012 collection!


Monday 24 December 2012

DIY Scrunchie Tutorial

Howdy all, Happy Christmas Eve! Today I'm sharing with you a quick tutorial I've made which shows you how to make your own Scrunchies, just like the one Heather Chandler wears in Heathers...

So, you'll need:   Scissors,  a nice piece of fabric (I used one about half the size of a portrait piece of A4 paper),   a piece of thin elastic string(about the length of a regular hair bobble),   and a needle and thread.

Start by folding your piece of fabric in half, but the wrong way so you can't see the pretty pattern on it.

Stitch it up baby, but DON'T sew it up at the ends.

Turn it out the right way.

Take you elastic string and find a way to feed it through the 'tube' or 'sock' (whatever you wanna call it!) that you have made....

Make sure you can tie the elasic in a knot once you have fed it through....

Now sew the ends of the fabric together.....

Et voila!! Your Scrunchie is now complete!! :D

Now you'll look super trendy!!

Saturday 22 December 2012

Deck the halls...

Time for another Christmas post chums! Today I will share with you some cutsie Christmas things (woooow exciting), that I've seen in Urban Outfitters and Paperchase...


Friday 21 December 2012

This week in pictures...

Friday Playlist...

Yippee, it's Friday..... and now officially 'Le Christmas Holidays'!! No more school for another 2  juicy weeks. Oh boy, I'm gunna have a lot of fun indeed, which is good you know, seeing as though that whole "ooooh the world's going to end" nonsense didn't even happen. I thought that it was pretty obvious that that statement was not true, cos' I'm cool like that!! Oh my, is it just me or do I sound "well gangsta" in this post??




Thursday 20 December 2012

Don't ya just know it!

I've rediscovered a great band recently (again), and it's... Amazulu (woop woop)!! I really loved them a couple of years ago but one of those things happened, you know, how you listen to something one week then completely forget about it the next, which is something I seem to do a lot. So, if your not familiar with 'Amazulu', they were a totes amazing band from the 1980's and I only found out about them after watching an episode of 'The Young Ones'.

So here's a good tune by them; the music video is a bit weird but it's still cool!!

Oh yeahhhh.........   this guy is kinda creepy!

Hot sauce!


Tuesday 18 December 2012

Most loved Topshop SALE items...

Urrggh I feel soo sick! I've taken the day off school and have been watching ITV all morning. They've all taken the whole Christmas decorations thing to the absolute extreme. I mean, why "This Morning", why have you put up AT LEAST 10 massive Christmas trees in your studio?!
I think I'll spend most of the day watching Jeremy Kyle and telling myself that I need to do some homework.
Well anyways, we've not seen a good old (I don't know what to call it), Board of nice clothes (I hope that sounds alright!) here on Apple Scruffs, so I thought it would be fun to make one about my favourite items in the current online sale at Topshop...


Sunday 16 December 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Woop woop, only 10 days till Christmas!! We put our tree up yesterday and here's a wee selection of some of my fave decorations....

Saturday 15 December 2012

Oh you pretty things...

   Oh dear, one has really not prepared oneself very well for this Christmas. I have not bought ANY presents for anyone, but this is mostly due to the fact that I can't think what to buy people. Also, why do teachers give me so much homework? I can't fit it all into my day, and I'd much rather be going on nice walks and looking round museums (OMG I'm so boring)!! I have soooo much art homework to finish by Wednesday, which I'm sure I'm not going to get done, so wish me luck on that note please.

So to end this post on a nice finish, here are some pretty pictures I've taken today and a sweet tune...


Wednesday 12 December 2012

New dress!!

Woop woop, I'm all excited because I got a new dress! It's one that I got on Sunday at the clothes show, and was a very good price indeed (I'm talking £10 babyyy)!!
I had actually planned to post this yesterday, but something weird was going on with the mobile blogger app on my phone, so I kind of had to delete and re-add it. It was a bit of a bummer.

Monday 10 December 2012

Clothes Show Live 2012!!

Howdy all, yesterday, me and my BFF Madeleine (check out her blog here) took a trip to Clothes Show Live in Birmingham - Woop woop!! It was sooooo awesome! We went with school, so getting there was pretty easy, because we got a coach, but still, I had an early start (got up at about half 5 in the morning), but the 2 hour journey was totally worth it!

When we got there, we went to see an amazing fashion show at the Suzuki theatre,
and, OMG, Henry Holland (one of my FAVOURITE designers!) was presenting it, which was totally AWESOME! We had loads of fun, and I'll show you what I bought in another post quite soon.

It was a great experience. We saw so much, you know, like, they had the most beautiful vintage shops filled with gorgeous hats, bags, brooches, you name it, they had it!
Also, we went to literally, makeup city, it had, and I mean, it really had every makeup product under the sun! You could get goody bags for like £10, that were filled with makeup that was worth at least five times more than the goody bag itself. So, knowing me (I'm a gal who loves a great bargain, well, who doesn't?), well, I got some of those!

Here are some pretty pictures I took at the event.....

We both got a Company/Cosmopolitan goody bag, so we rested our legs for a few minutes at one point and took the liberty to read a bit of Company.

This was at the Suzuki fashion theatre, and here is (OMG breathe....) Henry Holland! He presented the show alongside Grace Woodward.

Shoes- my brogues & Madeleine's converse! I took this when were having lunch.

This was in one of the vintage stalls, I could have actually have bought ALL these brooches!!

Woop woop, we went in Candy Kittens, you know, that shop founded by Jamie Laing from Made in Chelsea!

Fun Coach Trip, lol! 2 hours with no ipods, magazines, portable radios, sweets....

This was a cute little stall that sold bath things....

The David and Goliath shop. There was a HUGE queue to get in, so we didn't bother going there.

I LOVE these sunnies!

Absolutely beautiful brooch!!

The fashion show

I really wish that I could have taken more photos of the fashion show, because we were relatively close to the catwalk, but with all the bright lights and all, my camera wouldn't focus and most of the pictures I took are all really blurry....