Tuesday 29 January 2013


Oh yes... it's official... Apple Scruffs is ONE year old today!! Ahhh time does fly fast lol. I actually forgot I even had this blog until I 'rediscovered' it in like, August I think?
I don't even know why I started this blog, but one must say, I'm jolly glad that I did, you know, because now I can say stuff like "ooh yeah, I blog in my free time", or "I'll post the pictures on my blog" and a load more rubbish. So yeah, I suppose that's pretty cool!

Photo source: Google Images

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Meet Mr Whiskers!!

Bonjourno everyone, today I shall introduce you to my newest friend.... Mr Whiskers!!
Before anyone says anything, no, I am NOT to old to have a toy dinosaur and brush it's teeth and take pictures of it 'watching television'.

Sunday 20 January 2013

What I'm wearing today

Howdy people, here's a (hopefully) fun post on what I'm wearing today. I opted for the 'double denim' combo because, you know, I'm just cool like that, lol!
Well, today all I've been doing really is taking pictures of my cat, drinking tea, eating a load of junk, and surfing the net for a fur hat, so yeah, that's such a great way to spend your Sunday (not!)......

Saturday 19 January 2013

Weekend Playlist....

Oh boy, this week has been sooo cold!! I've actually been wearing my sister's old mittens from when she was about six just because they're the proper ski ones that keep your handies super warm literally ALL week (omg....nobody cares.....!).
Well next week, I'm supposed to go Water-Sporting with school (yes, WATER-SPORTING!!!) Oh my goodness, I don't know how I'm going to cope, I mean, communal wetsuits.... kill me!!
So anyways, here's this weekend's playlist......




Tuesday 15 January 2013


Oh my gosh, is it just me or have any of you guys got bored of blogging recently? I mean, I've  totally had complete 'blogging blockage', meaning I really can't think of anything interesting to write about!
I've had a couple of exams these past 2 weeks (I think!), so they kind of left me feeling rather bummed out. Also, I'm finding this whole 'saving up a huge load of money for my upcoming trip to New York' extremely difficult. There are so many good sales going on in the shops at the moment so I've sort of given up the whole going out to big shopping malls thing, and only shop in cheap/charity shops.
The weather here in Manchester has been sooooo awful lately too! It 'snowed' on Sunday for a while, but it just iced-up during the night, and managed to get even colder. Sunday was actually quite a fun day, because we (as in my parents, sister, and dog...yes,dog!!) went to this really cool vintage fair in Stockport that my friend Jess told me about ages ago. One must apologise but I did not take any pictures of that day, I just would have felt awkward asking someone if I could take a picture of their postcard or military patch collection, but I'm sure if I ever go again (which I probably will, woop woop!). I would totally recommend going because it was AWESOME!! I bought the most beautiful 'silk' scarf with little lipsticks printed all over it, and a cute handbag that I think is from Woothworths... yes Woolworths! I'll probably get round to doing some sort of post about them sometime.
So, to give this post a bit of 'razz-ma-tazz', I'll show you some groovy random pics I'll find in my  'folder of saved pictures' on my computer......

I actually think I found this photo on the Vogue website a few months ago and just loved the colours and this person's eye-makeup.

I'm sure you all know how jealous I am of Brigitte Bardot's hair.... I mean, look at it!! How could you not want your hair like that!!??

I have no idea where I found, or when I found this picture (probably of some blog or just the usual suspect...google images)!! I'm just totally loving those shoes they're all wearing!

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Birthday Boys....

I would just like to say a very Happy Birthday to two wonderful dudes, David Bowie, and Elvis Presley!!

Friday 4 January 2013

Friday Playlist...



How we change...

Aaah, is it just me that looks back at our fashion mistakes with sentiment? Oh my gosh, gone are the days of the 'flip flops and flares' combo, and me telling my friends "well they would have worn stuff like this at Woodstock". And the days of me wearing surfer t-shirts with ankle-length skirts are completely over and hopefully, should NEVER return....

I've always has a mahoosive love for the 1960s, and when I was around 10, I was totally obsessed with Woodstock. Yeah, I suppose that Woodstock was a pretty groovy thing, but it wasn't very groovy that I thought it would be cool to 're-live' 1969 by wearing clothes that I would think 'looked' of that era. I also thought I was 'super cool' to listen to bands such as Jefferson Airplane and The Jimi Hendrix experience. I also had quite a thing for Country Joe and the fish.

When I was 12, my favourite outfit was (I'm not sure if I've told you this before...) when I used to wear this cream collar-less shirt with tiny purple flowers all over it. I suppose it was actually alright, but because I thought I looked really cool when I wore it with a matching purple waistcoat with embroidered flowers on it (it had belonged to my mother in the 90s), and a pair of flared jeans that I remember buying from a sale at Dorothy Perkins; oh yeah, I would always 'finish the look off' with a pair of flip flops and maybe a few long necklaces, you know the really bright 'ethnic' and 'fairtrade' ones....

Well, it took me WAAAAYYY to long to grow out of that what I can only think of as a 'hippie' and 'down with all that tie-die and flip flops' faze, and I had better NEVER EVER see those days again.

 I am about to show you a comparison of me back in my 'Woodstock loving' days and just how I look nowadays...

Oh my goodness, do not laugh at my long hair or whatever I am doing with my hands on the photo on the left, but I ACTUALLY used to go out dressed like that. I even think that I could have been 13 in that photo (dun dun duunnn!). I must have thought at that time that the fringe made me look cool and 'hip', well, I was totally wrong.
Hopefully on the picture on the right, I might look a bit more trendy and 'normal' (hence  me wearing a Victorian-style blouse from the 70s). Since growing out of that faze, I've had my hair cut and  now wash it on a regular basis, and tie it back quite often. Gone are the days of flip flops and roll-necks and flared jeans. I went in River Island yesterday, and saw what used to be my 'dream pair of jeans', which I had last seen in there a couple of years ago. They are what I would call 'ultimate flares' or just 'bellbottoms', because I'm talking about the BIGGEST flare in them that you could imagine. I could have bought them, as they only had one left (they were in the sale), and they were in my size, and were only £5. I'm sooo glad I didn't actually buy them, because, they may have looked cool in the seventies or if you are tall with long, slim legs. I am unfortunately stuck with rather short, stubby legs, so I probably couldn't have 'pulled them off'. Also, I could not risk getting them, because every time I wore them I would probably spend the day looking back at the 11 year old me and think that if I had owned them all those years ago, I would have probably been wearing them with a roll neck, or, a floral shirt with a brightly coloured waistcoat and, Urg.... flip flops.

This week in photos

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Oh my golly gosh.... it's 2013!! Have we all made our New Year's resolutions? Haha, I think mine is to probably cut down on my daily consumption of cake, and to no longer let myself be afraid of going to the toilet at school...

Oh wow I just had to have a little 'blogging break' for a minute because 'Miranda' is on NOW on BBC 1 and I had started to make a cup of tea and I thought it would be wise to finish it rather than letting it brew for half an hour, which is something I actually do on a regular basis... maybe I should try not to get distracted as easily this year.

Well we celebrated New Year the usual way at our house, you know, all we do is watch Jools Holland on TV, which is fun. I must admit, I've always quite liked a good orchestra!
I ate waaay to many chocolate covered raisins last night.

So anyways, I hope you guys all have a great year and I hope you enjoy this SUPER ADORABLE picture of the Beatles celebrating New Year....