Friday 16 August 2013

Hot tramp, I love you so!

Good evening huns, since my last post, I have skateboarded to my local co-op twice, been on a coach trip to Durham, and I went to a vintage fair. Today I bought a really cute pair of little gold 60s dancing shoes in AgeUK, but they broke when I just wore them round the house for like 2 minutes, so my mind has been crying for a few hours. I also had a dream last night that I saw 70s Mick Jagger on the bus, which was AWESOME!!

Well I am extremely jealous of this gal's style, the source of this image is unknown.
Here are some shots of my Tumblr......

Amazing Frida Kahlo socks I saw on Google images...

Super cute pic of a young Mick Jagger I found on Tumblr!!

Source: Tumblr

Source: Tumblr

Brian and Mick are cuties!!! Source: Tumblr


  1. HAVE TO HAVE THOSE FRIDA KAHLO SOCKSSS!!! Hyperventilating right now

    1. Omg sames they are literally the best thing ever!! :D xx
